The Samoan Market

We love the unusual fruits that we find at the flea market in Samoa. Green bananas, or fa'i, are boiled or baked and eaten with tasty palusami and various meats. The white fiber in the basket is used to squeeze coconut milk out of freshly grated coconut. The leaves next to it are used to wrap food in before it is baked, kind of like how we use aluminum foil. Many fruits are absolutely huge--like avocados, pineapples, and papayas. Our favorite, and the food that all of our family requested that we bring home for them, is Koko Samoa. Samoan cocoa beans are grown on a tree, then roasted, mashed, and placed in a styrofoam cup, which turns as hard as a rock, but when you grate it and boil it, it makes a unique and fabulous chocolate! We Bring the Islands To You!  #IslandFood #KokoSamoaApia, Samoa

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